Setup guide – Metra

Because there are many components in motion, we've compiled a list outlining requirements, clarifications, and areas of responsibility to ensure the seamless integration between Inlet and the lock system.

Read more about the security principals for Inlet and the connections to locks here.

Practical and Technical Requirements:

  1. The installer installs the locks.

  2. The IT provider supplies the server where the Metra software can be installed and secures the server with a firewall and access control. See details about IP address and ports at the bottom of this page.

  3. The installer does the following in advance:

    • Installs IIS and Metra server with relevant settings for the installation site.
    • Opens the firewall on the server to allow external connections from IP and on port 6781, 6773 outbound and port 80 inbound.
    • See further down this page for various configurations of the server and Metra system.
  4. In the Metra web admin interface, add Inlet's IP address (see further down this page) under Tables / General / Interfaces:

  5. The Metra server is configured with the correct number of locks, control panels, locations, passages, and access units.

  6. Under Hardware/Access/Template, a template is defined that will be used for access readers. In the template, define mode ELS NET and specify which locker numbers provide access to this unit/door.

  7. Add access units Hardware/Access/Access Terminals (ID 200, 201, ID n):

  8. Add locker units:

  9. The IT provider ensures whitelisting of IP addresses and sets up port forwarding from the external port to the internal port to the server so that we can access the API. See details about IP address and ports at the bottom of this page.

  10. The Metra server and Metra controller require a static IP address; these addresses must be available and configured with port openings according to the list at the bottom of this page.

  11. Inlet must be provided the following to email:

    • Customer Name
    • Information on what locks and lock groups Inlet should set up.
    • Public URL, or static IP address to the server with port number
    • Locker location. For a central server and multiple locations, the locations will be numbered 1, 2, and so on.
    • Item number associated with the locker
  12. Inlet retrieves the IDs of the lockers to configure Inlet with the locking system.
  13. Inlet will inform the top system/booking system that they can test.
  14. Inlet requires at least 2 weeks of testing with the top system/booking system after the installer has completed points 1-5.

IP addresses that need to be whitelisted:
Required: and

Ports that need to be mapped:
External TCP port 6781 to internal TCP port 6781 on the Server.

Use of a Proxy Server

Configurations of the server and Metra system

Solutions, Addresses, and IP for Metra SW Clients

Connection of Metra equipment and network.

The Metra server is installed either locally on-site with the equipment (SOLUTION 1) or in the cloud (externally over the internet/VPN, SOLUTION 2).
The difference between SOLUTION 1 and SOLUTION 2 is that for SOLUTION 2, port 6773 must be opened from the server to the local controller.


  • 6771 inbound - Metra Interface service, 3rd party interface SW, Metra Touch Terminals
  • 6781 inbound - Metra Interface service, 3rd party interface SW (http)
  • 6773 outbound - Metra NET service
  • 6775 inbound/outbound - Metra DB server service - if DB is stored at another location
  • 6776 outbound - Metra Messenger service - alarm notification
  • 6779 outbound - Metra POS service
  • 80 (http) / 443 (https) inbound - web access
  • 3389 inbound - Remote Desktop

Client when installing Metra SW on a workstation:

  • 6771 outbound - Metra Interface service
  • 6776 inbound - Metra Messenger service
  • 6778 inbound - Info client
  • 6779 inbound – Metra POS Service
  • 80 (http) / 443 (https) outbound - web access
  • 3389 inbound - Remote Desktop

Network controller:

  • 6773 inbound – Metra NET service
  • 80 (http) inbound – web access

Port 80 provides access to the web interface for controllers and Metra SW on the server with direct control of lockers and reports for locker usage.

Requirements for the server and extended documentation can be found in the documents “Metra Minimum Requirements” and “Metra SW Security Review,” which are available upon request.