Setup guide – Salto KS

Because there are many components in motion, we've compiled a list outlining requirements, clarifications, and areas of responsibility to ensure the seamless integration between Inlet and the lock system.

Read more about the security principals for Inlet and the connections to locks here.

Practical and Technical Requirements:

  1. The SaltoKS system is installed and fully commissioned with the intended access groups in the usual manner by a certified installer.

  2. The locksmith adds Inlet's user in Salto KS ( as Site Admin.

  3. In SaltoKS, on the left side of the menu, select "Site."

  4. Inlet needs to be sent:

    • Site name

    • Site ID

  5. Inlet retrieves the IDs of the locks to configure Inlet with the locking system.

  6. Inlet provides information to the top system/booking system that they can test.

  7. Inlet requires at least 2 weeks of testing with the top system/booking system after the installer has completed steps 1-4.